Knox started out in the biz in Los Angeles as a child actor. His favorite gig was playing a stunt-lost-boy in a little Steve Spielberg movie called Hook. He spent a summer sword fighting with pirates (who were all played by real-life Hell’s Angeles), falling down stairs and running around the old MGM lot. He loved it, he enjoyed it and then, towards the end of the summer-- Knox grew freakishly tall. Like Christopher Lee on steroids tall. His agent wept. When asked why, his agent explained: They want adults who can pass for kids, not kids who can pass for adults. Child labor laws (minors can only work eight hours a day in California), were the death of Knox’s acting career.

But that is ok, Knox dusted himself off, wiped away the tears, and got behind the camera. He re-entered the industry through front door: PA’ing, interning, and getting the coffee. Once people were sure Knox wouldn’t screw up the coffee order, he was able to work his way up the ladder, Coording, PMing, ADing, Line Producing, and then Directing. The career path was a little messier than that, but we will spare you the details.

Knox has worked in film, television and commercials, for such clients, shows, and companies such as, Industrial Light and Magic, ‘The Real World’, Honda, Toyota and Facebook.  

Knox is a truly giant human, with an equally giant beard and mohawk. He provides excellent cover against bright light, wind, rain & blame.

When relaxing, Knox enjoys humanistic sc-fi and fantasy, sword fighting, archery, old ballads about love, death and mourning, history, intersectional feminism, and discussions of all manor of civil rights and economics. His favorite books include, “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, “Sex at Dawn”, “Coin Locker Baby”, “Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism” and “Blink”.

When Knox is not slinking around, he can be found in San Francisco with his three amazing women, his wife Angela, and his daughters Jessica & Zoey. Without their love, support and belief in him, Knox would not be the man he is today. - Thank You 

photo credit: Jennifer Leahy

photo credit: Jennifer Leahy